How to Create Content to Generate Leads for Physical Therapists

generate new leads for physical therapy

As a physical therapist, you may be struggling to generate leads for your clinic or practice. And in today’s competitive online marketing landscape, attracting new patients often comes down to the power of your content. Your physical therapy blog could potentially be a goldmine for generating leads, but crafting engaging and strategic content is key…

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Outsmart the Giants: SEO for Physical Therapy Clinics

SEO for physical therapy clinics

SEO for physical therapy clinics is almost certainly a great way for small clinics to noticed. Small physical therapy business owners often find themselves at a crossroads when considering SEO (Search Engine Optimization). They often think that they can’t afford to afford market their website, so there’s no need to even try when it comes…

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The Key to Boosting Local Traffic for Your Physical Therapy Business

One of the most effective ways to enhance your online presence is through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), particularly for boosting local traffic. While DIY SEO might seem like a cost-saving approach, hiring a professional SEO agency offers distinct advantages that can significantly impact your practice’s success. Here’s why: Understanding the Local Landscape Local SEO is…

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The Power of Google Business Profile to Attract New Patients

set up google my business profile

Embarking on the journey of assisting a physical therapist to attract new patients, by enhancing their online presence through Google Business Profile has been an exciting venture. As an SEO consultant, I understand the paramount importance of a robust digital footprint for attracting new patients to a physical therapy practice. GMB, a free and potent…

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The Real Impact of SEO & PPC on Your Physical Therapy Practice: Transforming Clicks into Clients

The online presence of your physical therapy practice is more crucial than ever. While Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising offers immediate visibility and targeted outreach, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays an equally vital role in building a sustainable online presence. Together, they form a powerful duo that can significantly transform clicks into clients. Let’s explore how. The…

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Unraveling SEO: Why Physical Therapy Businesses Might Hesitate and Why They Shouldn’t

Recently, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become a buzzword across various industries. However, for many physical therapy business owners, SEO remains an enigmatic concept, often leading to hesitation in adopting this powerful digital strategy. But why does this gap in understanding exist, and more importantly, what are physical therapy professionals potentially missing out on? Let’s…

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Website Live Chat with A.I.

I’ve been wanting to get this operational for a long time but how to do it was a mystery! I tried several different live chat platforms and all ended in disappointment. Yesterday I finally figured it out! Website Live Chat with an AI Chatbot. Watch the video for full details:  

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The formula for going viral

“Viral” content is often hailed as the ultimate goal, promising fame and exponential growth. The allure of one viral post propelling you into the mainstream is undeniably appealing. But here’s the harsh reality: going viral is exceptionally hard, and the odds are stacked against you. A study conducted by Stanford University in collaboration with Microsoft…

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Unlock the Power of Google Ads with Expert Management

Establishing a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any business. One of the most effective tools for achieving this is Google Ads. However, navigating the world of online advertising can be complex, and that’s where expert management comes into play. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of professional Google Ads management…

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Building a Distinguished Brand in the Competitive Physical Therapy Market

I wrote about the importance of consistency in branding recently. Today I want to dive a little deeper into why branding itself is so important for physical therapy businesses. Establishing a brand that resonates with clients has become a linchpin of success for physical therapy business owners. The digital age has “leveled the playing field,”…

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