The Importance of Online Reviews and How to Get More of Them

Like it or not, online reviews have become a cornerstone of consumer decision-making. For physical therapy business owners, leveraging online reviews can significantly impact your practice’s growth and reputation. Here’s why online reviews are essential and how you can garner more of them. Why Online Reviews Matter Build Trust and Credibility Potential patients are more…
Website Live Chat with A.I.

I’ve been wanting to get this operational for a long time but how to do it was a mystery! I tried several different live chat platforms and all ended in disappointment. Yesterday I finally figured it out! Website Live Chat with an AI Chatbot. Watch the video for full details:
The formula for going viral

“Viral” content is often hailed as the ultimate goal, promising fame and exponential growth. The allure of one viral post propelling you into the mainstream is undeniably appealing. But here’s the harsh reality: going viral is exceptionally hard, and the odds are stacked against you. A study conducted by Stanford University in collaboration with Microsoft…
Building a Distinguished Brand in the Competitive Physical Therapy Market

I wrote about the importance of consistency in branding recently. Today I want to dive a little deeper into why branding itself is so important for physical therapy businesses. Establishing a brand that resonates with clients has become a linchpin of success for physical therapy business owners. The digital age has “leveled the playing field,”…
Harnessing Patient Success Stories in Social Media Marketing for Physical Therapy Clinics

In physical therapy marketing, the power of personal success stories can be transformative. For physical therapy clinic owners looking to enhance their online presence and connect more deeply with their audience, leveraging patient success stories in social media marketing is a strategy that offers authenticity and engagement. This article delves into why and how to…
Maximizing ROI: The Strategic Advantage of Hiring an Agency for Your Physical Therapy Clinic Google Ads Management

Google Ads is undoubtedly vital for most small businesses, especially in the highly competitive physical therapy sector. As a physical therapy business owner, you may be tempted to consider managing your Google Ads in-house or delegate it to an inexperienced staff member. However, this article aims to illuminate why investing in an external agency to…
Why Written Online Content Is Worth Paying For

At the end of the day, you get what you pay for. Online content is worth paying for and real writers cost money! If you want to skimp on cost and pay low amounts for an author’s time – especially if they are an expert in their field – then expect poorer results. Here’s why…
Has COVID-19 Changed SEO For Physical Therapists?

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has driven a shift in consumer behaviour. There’s no doubt about it. Coronavirus has sponsored an exponential explosion in terms of internet usage. From streaming, electronic transfers, and virtual meetings, to online commerce, gaming, and app development, the pandemic has founded a tectonic quickening of dependence on digital platforms. However, we’d…
The Importance of Google Reviews for Your Physical Therapy Business

Google reviews. Merely reviews on Google, right? Wrong. What was once a beneficial exercise for smaller businesses now has far greater importance. Reviews of your business remain hugely important for Google’s local SEO results. Not only do consistent, healthy testimonials bring credibility and trust, but Google considers the review process to be one of…