Does Social Media Need To Align With SEO?

Social media and SEO have the same goal – both want to increase traffic to your website. This in turn means both should work together to get that result.  However, Social Media and SEO have a somewhat unclear and complicated relationship. There’s an active correlation between social media shares and higher ranking on search engines. …

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The Connection Between Stress And Website Management

The Connection Between Stress And Website Management

The stresses of website management can be enough to overwhelm even the most experienced of industry professionals. Don’t panic if website management is causing you sleepless nights – you’re not alone. And we can help.  Looking to run a successful modern-day business? Unless you are marketing to the hardcore Amish, you need to employ successful…

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Blogging: An Office Murder Story

Case #47 – Murder In Conference Room B  Another case of workplace tension gone on far too long.  “They should leave the blogging to someone who wants to do it. ” Date: 22nd of May Time: 13:52  Location: Who cares?  Cause Of Death: Blog writing gone wrong Stomach: Rumbling *4 suspects. 1 victim. No chance…

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What Exactly Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

What is SEO

What is SEO? For those who haven’t yet taken the plunge into algorithm territory, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a critical tool for any digital marketing campaign and surviving the modern world. Let’s dig deeper for a full understanding.  You might ask yourself ‘Who is SEO?’ or ‘Where is SEO?’, but you’ve got…

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Social Proofing Your PT Website: Let Your Clients Do The Hard Sell

  What does it mean to be Social Proof? By getting your website social proofed, your testimonials and reviews can do the hard sell by appealing to one of our greatest human traits: trust.  Social proof isn’t quite what you think. It’s not proof that you are social. You don’t need to find evidence of…

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Can PR And SEO Combine For The Ultimate Online Marketing Strategy?

What on earth does PR have to do with SEO?  When staring down the contemporary barrel towards a 12-bore cartridge bearing two acronyms, trying to contemplate this question can feel challenging. PR and SEO. Digital marketing loves a good acronym, yet these two – when combined – make quite a tasty recipe for success. We…

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The Limitations of DIY Website Builders

It’s tempting to opt for a basic package with the likes of Wix or Weebly, or other DIY website builders. But those initial outlays may end up costing you far more in the long run. Here’s why. As of May 2021, Wix hosts a (rather incredible) 160 million websites. Those 160 million people can’t be…

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The Extreme Benefits Of Using Live Chat On Your Website

Live Chat. Is it worth it? In one word: Yes! What was once a marketing gimmick now holds substantial value for Return on Investment through your website. Here’s the lowdown.  You’re interested in a service. You find a business that seems to match. You have questions. You need answers before spending money with the company.…

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Why Bad Content Is Worse Than No Content 

What’s the only thing worse than no content? You got it, bad content!  But what is good content? Many physical therapists we talk to understand the importance of website content because they learn from coaches like Paul Gough that information is everything. Paul has rewritten the rule book on sales, stating that people don’t just buy…

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The Importance of Core Web Vitals for Your Website (Not Boring)

There’s been a development in SEO. Meet the all-conquering (and feared) Google Core Web Vitals! *Maniacal Laugh* Welcome to the world of SEO updates. It can be a scary, relentless quagmire of anagrams, algorithms, terminology, and tech-talk. Unless you think in binary, worship the first-generation Apple Mac, or find the Linux Penguin (Tux) strangely attractive,…

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