The Solution to Your Physical Therapy Practice Website Problems...

Flemming was Paul Gough's "web guy" for over 10 years and witnessed the transformation that Paul has brought about in his business through applying Direct Response techniques to his websites. He learned an incredible amount from Paul over the years and now applies that knowledge and experience to building websites for other PTs like you.

This is a "Done For You" package with the flexibility you need...

  • Built with WordPress so you can edit content
  • Customized to match your branding
  • Data capture pages integrated with Keap or Active Campaign
  • "Hot Hot Hot" 3-step inquiry forms
  • Integrated Blog
  • Includes About, Team and Contact pages and lots more

If you'd like to find out more about how we can help you to grow your practice by generating new leads, request the full information about our website system...

Click Here for the Full Details of Our Website System »

What People Say About Working With Flemming's Team...

“Amazing, simple, easy, no hassle, and smooth.... Flemming listens to you, hears your wants, needs and desires and works with you to meet every one of them!! Fast to respond, quick to apply and absolutely no pressure. His knowledge of the PT world, and more importantly what works for others gives you a huge advantage over your competition, actually makes your competition irrelevant:)... Within the first 3 days up and running, I had 2 discovery visits and a new patient from the site alone:) Highly highly highly recommend you take advantage of his skills and you can thank him (and me) later 🙂 Do it yesterday or you will be left behind!!”

Dean Volk
Dean Volk Volk PT, North & South Carolina

Excellent! A true professional, very knowledgeable and always willing to go the extra mile. Flemming is super responsive, we worked directly with him, no layers of management between which was fantastic. His keen understanding of the overall lead generation marketing strategy was especially appreciated because I could bounce ideas around with him and receive valuable feedback. Even though we are in the USA and he's in England, the distance was never felt or an inconvenience. Every morning, he was right there on Skype when I logged on to my computer.

You'd be crazy not to hire Flemming! I've worked with many creatives, web designers and artists over the years. Flemming is a pleasure to work with, great demeanor, friendly personality and super responsive. You'll save yourself a ton of headaches if you hire Flemming. He makes it easy and enjoyable. We would work with Flemming again without hesitation.

Michelle Reynolds
Michelle Reynolds PhysioFit PT, Los Altos, CA

"Amazing! The process was simple and the results strong. Flemming spends the time to understand your individual practice, and what makes you unique. He then guides you through the process and ensures you are on track with your tasks. Best of all, Flemming understands what the website needs to be a successful website! My previous websites had minimal to no input from an owners stand point and you were limited to adding other capabilities to it. With Flemming, you as the owner, are an integral part of the design of the website and is tailored to you and your practice.

My website has already driven new patients in to my practice. Having multiple portals to contact the office takes the pressure off the patient. In the next 12 months I know my practice will have significantly more direct access patients as a result. So, what are you waiting for? Having a clean, responsive, website is a must and Flemming is the go to guy for this!"

Andrew Vertson
Andrew Vertson Intercore PT, CA

Working with Flemming was easy. He guided me through the process, giving me specifics on what was needed and what would look good. My initial concern was that he was in England and might be difficult to communicate with. It was never a problem. Flemming was always available when I needed something or had a question. My previous website was simply a store front. It looked alright and said he were were and that we were good. That was it. Flemming's site is interactive. Just the site alone makes us valuable to potential patients.

I believe that our new website be a valuable resource to potential patients. It is more than just a place to find the phone number and office hours. It is something that a potential patient will come back to over and over again, and then eventually, into our clinic door. If you are thinking about having a website built by Flemming, do it! It's affordable, easy and worth it!

Jason Miller
Jason Miller Centex Rehabilitation, Harker Heights, TX

Easy, efficient..... Even from over the pond we coordinated 2-3 Skype meetings then he was very prompt on email. Everybody who has been to the website has given me great feedback, even unsolicited folks reached out to say how good it looked.

Jerry Durham
Jerry Durham International Speaker and Physical Therapy Business Owner, CA
Click Here for the Full Details of Our Website System »