How (and WHY) to Create a Year-Long Patient Discharge Automated Workflow

Physical therapy practices continually seek ways to enhance patient engagement, streamline communication, and ultimately, provide exceptional care.

With the advent of automation technologies, such as HighLevel, physical therapy business owners now have an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize how they interact with patients, from initial discharge to ongoing care.

NOTE: 👉EMR systems often provide some automation possibilities but are not sophisticated enough to create the workflow I’m talking about in this article! ❌

This article delves into a meticulously crafted year-long patient engagement schedule, demonstrating the significant advantages automation brings to both patient satisfaction and business efficiency.

The Essence of Automation in Patient Care

At the heart of any successful physical therapy practice is the ability to maintain consistent, personalized communication with patients.

However, manual processes can be time-consuming and prone to errors, potentially impacting patient relationships.

This is where automation, specifically HighLevel‘s sophisticated Workflows tool, becomes a game-changer.

By automating routine communications and follow-ups, practices can ensure that no patient feels neglected, while also freeing up valuable time for therapists to focus on what they do best – delivering top-notch care.

A Year-Long Engagement Overview

To illustrate the power of automation, consider a comprehensive, evenly spaced, year-long patient engagement schedule.

This strategy is designed to keep patients connected and engaged with your practice, encouraging loyalty and repeat business.

  1. Day 0: An automated thank-you email goes out, expressing gratitude and offering a free 30-minute treatment session, complemented by a quality survey to gather initial feedback.
  2. Day 30 – 60: Early engagement continues with a ‘checking in’ letter and a follow-up call, reminding them of their complimentary session and introducing maintenance programs, enhancing the personal touch.
  3. Day 90 – 180: The mid-phase focuses on deepening relationships through review requests, service reminders, and sharing patient stories, fostering a community feeling and showcasing your practice’s value.
  4. Day 210 – 300: This period includes targeted communications about additional services and wellness tips, incentivizing further engagement and demonstrating your commitment to their health.
  5. Day 330 – 365: The final stretch re-engages patients with check-in calls, a voucher for a free session, and a reminder of the services you offer, culminating in a year-end call that reinforces the strong bond between your practice and the patient.

The Automation Blueprint

Now that you understand the “why” and the general intention of the patient discharge automation, take a look at the precise “blueprint”…

  1. Day 0: Automated Discharge Confirmation and Survey
    • Action: An automated email thanks the patient for choosing your practice, offers a complimentary 30-minute session, and includes a link to a quality survey.
  2. Day 30: Personalized Check-In Letter
    • Action: A customized ‘checking in’ letter is mailed, asking about the patient’s progress and reminding them of the free session offer.
  3. Day 60: Reminder and Personal Touch
    • Action: Send a reminder email about the free session and make a personal follow-up call to discuss their progress and introduce the maintenance program.
  4. Day 90: Engagement and Feedback
    • Action: Email the patient to request a Google review and gauge interest in other services, enhancing engagement.
  5. Day 120: Continued Care Call
    • Action: A phone call to check on the patient’s condition, emphasizing ongoing support and care.
  6. Day 150: Share Your Story Invitation
    • Action: An email invites the patient to share their recovery story, offering another free session as a thank you.
  7. Day 180: Service Highlight Email
    • Action: Send an informative email reminding them of the other services your practice offers.
  8. Day 210: Tune-Up Appointment Letter
    • Action: Mail a letter suggesting a “tune-up” appointment, marking six months since discharge.
  9. Day 240: Booking Incentive Email
    • Action: An email reiterates the tune-up suggestion and includes an incentive for booking.
  10. Day 270: Confirmation Call
    • Action: Make a call to ensure the patient received the 6-month letter and discuss any additional needs.
  11. Day 300: Friend & Family Offer Email
    • Action: Email an offer for a friend or family member, extending the circle of care.
  12. Day 315: Simple Check-In Email
    • Action: A short email checks on the patient’s well-being, maintaining the connection.
  13. Day 345: Nine-Month Check-In Call
    • Action: A call to catch up with the patient, reinforcing the personalized care approach.
  14. Day 355: Voucher Announcement Email
    • Action: Notify the patient about an upcoming voucher for a free treatment session.
  15. Day 360: Voucher Mail-Out
    • Action: Mail the voucher, encouraging its use for health maintenance.
  16. Day 365: Year-End Reminder Call
    • Action: A final call to remind them to use their voucher and book any needed appointments.

👆 Feel free to copy this and use it in your automation software and if you don't have any automation software yet (your EMR will NOT be able to handle the complexity of this), reach out for a free demo of High Level using the orange button at the end of this article.

Leveraging HighLevel for Seamless Automation

Implementing such a detailed engagement plan manually is daunting, if not impossible, for most practices.

HighLevel’s automation capabilities make this intricate schedule not only feasible but efficient.

From personalized email sequences to scheduled SMS messages and reminder calls, HighLevel enables practices to set up this entire workflow in advance, ensuring consistent touchpoints without adding to the daily workload.

The Real Value of Automation

The true value of automation lies in its ability to enhance the patient experience, streamline operations, and grow your business. By automating routine communications, your practice can:

  • Boost Patient Satisfaction: Regular, personalized contact improves patient relationships, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.
  • Increase Operational Efficiency: Free up your staff’s time to focus on patient care and other high-value activities.
  • Drive Business Growth: Engaged patients are more likely to return for additional services and refer others, driving both revenue and reputation.

Conclusion: A Win-Win for Practices and Patients

For physical therapy business owners, embracing automation with HighLevel isn’t just about keeping up with technology – it’s about setting your practice apart in a competitive market.

By offering consistent, personalized, and timely communications, you not only meet but exceed patient expectations, fostering loyalty and encouraging positive word-of-mouth.

HighLevel’s automation capabilities present an opportunity to transform your patient engagement strategy, ultimately leading to enhanced patient satisfaction, operational efficiency, and business growth.

As you consider the future of your practice, remember that the power of automation is not just in the technology itself but in the opportunities it creates for deeper, more meaningful connections with your patients.

Explore HighLevel today, and take the first step towards a more engaged, satisfied patient community and a thriving practice.

Schedule Your Free HighLevel Demo »


Flemming Arnott

Flemming Arnott

Flemming helps PT business owners all around the world to acquire more new patients by building websites that educate prospects, establish trust and ultimately generate leads. He has worked almost exclusively with physical therapy business owners over the last 10 years and has more than 20 years experience in the industry. Flemming is the "go to" expert for PTs who no longer want to rely on doctor's referrals and who put the patient experience first, with a desire to succeed in the new healthcare world.

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About The Author

Flemming Arnott

Flemming helps PT business owners all around the world to acquire more new patients by building websites that educate prospects, establish trust and ultimately generate leads. He has worked almost exclusively with physical therapy business owners over the last 10 years and has more than 20 years experience in the industry. Flemming is the "go to" expert for PTs who no longer want to rely on doctor's referrals and who put the patient experience first, with a desire to succeed in the new healthcare world.